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Full Version: Shame on you Snowy
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Fedelis Wrote:Don't listen to wife, he's almost never serious (he's a 4chan tard).  That's just us in two of the 4 or 5 rooms we have available.  We never set up in snowy's room or downstairs, because we never have enough people to need to set up in those places.  We are short on tables, however.  I don't think there is an attic, and if there is we've never used it.

My dad owns a building in the square, it's empty right now. We could use it, but I don't think it has internet connection >.<
That would actually be pretty rad if that could work.
i bet the building has a big bomb in it damn arabs
We'd be down for bringing some tables, switches, and network cable from the PLR stash ( if it helped to get something off the ground.
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